The Tribocie (Australia) & Skyview (USA) collaboration is here!!!! The Jaffa x Maggie pups have arrived!!!!

The myth is busted - weebles wobble AND they fall down!!
(You have to be in your 40's or older to get that reference.)
Male 1 - during one of his first attempts to walk.  

Pictures at 1 week below:

Female 1

Female 1

Female 2

Female 2

Female 3

Female 3 - snoozing on Albert's hand

Female 4

Female 4 - "Does this make my butt look big??"

Male 1

Male 1

Male 2 - he is walking off the table.

Male 2

Male 3

Male 3

Male 4

Male 4

Male 1 right side up

They have sleeping down to a science.