Bru x Nazik puppies at 18 days old!!!  Keep in mind as you are looking at these pictures - they are only 18 days old.  They are already quite engaging.  What a lovely litter!

I love the looks she gives me.  "What are you doing now??"

After I have given them a bottle feeding - no wonder Ebru is happy to see me as she gets a break.  

Female 1

Female 1

Female 1

Female 1

Female 2

Female 2

Female 2

Female 2

Female 3

Female 3

Female 3

Female 3

Female 4

Female 4

Female 4

Female 4

Female 5

Female 5

Female 5

Female 5

Female 6

Female 6

Female 6

Female 6

Male 1 - what a happy fellow and he weighed 4 lbs 11 1/2 ounces at 18 DAYS!!!  All the pups are big, but he is the biggest thus far.  

Male 1

Male 1

Male 1

Male 2

Male 2

Male 2

Male 2

Male 3

Male 3

Male 3

Male 3

Male 2

Male 3

Male 1

Female 2

Female 1

Female 6

Female 5

Female 4

Female 3